Graphic Design
Patrick brings in his illustrative styles into his design work. He has been working on a wide range of design mediums from book covers, logo marks, and interactive projects. Patrick was also part of the Design Consortium at Express Newark where his design team collaborated with local clients on establishing a brand new identity system for an organization company

Newark is considered the gateway to the east coast because of it’s proximity to major cities like New York, Philadelphia, and points below. This photography collage represents the different modes of transportation that commuters use to get to New Jersey’s largest city.

Family is An Eternal Gift
The family crest project highlights symbolic icons to represent’s Patrick entire family household. In Chinese mythology, the three Chinese elements: the phoenix, dragon, and cherry blossoms, all symbolize the theme that family members are all an eternal gift that’s passed on through generations.

China’s National Currency Redesign
Since the 1960s, China’s national currency hasn’t changed much since their iconic image of Chairman Mao appearance is essentially all the currency amounts. Patrick was tasked on redesigning their current system better represent the country. He focuses primarily on current political leaders such as President Xi Jingping and iconic Chinese landmarks.

Literature Book Cover Redesign
Patrick was tasked on taking three book covers with the word “temple” in the title and redesign it from the original cover. Using his illustrative style allowed the book covers have a children’s book appearance that’s specifically at younger audience groups who’re introduced to the world of literature.

Access Asia
This project introduces the world of identity systems. Patrick created a branding system that focuses the topic of misrepresentation of Asian Americans in Hollywood films. The logo designed to be a Asian International film festival where it celebrates the creative content and Asian American actors’ contribution in the film industries. “Accessibility” was the major theme where actors shouldn’t feel invisible behind the movie screens or sticking to their stereotypical roles.

Tang Poetry
This trans-media project highlight the storytelling of classical Chinese Tang poetry. Patrick selected 12-15 iconic poems appeared in many Chinese literature books and designed both a book and interactive website that attracts international audiences to this ancient form of Chinese literature.

Design Consortium
The Design Consortium is a faculty and student collaboration project that heavily focuses on interacting with clients’ needs around local and regional companies or institutions. The team was tasked with redesigning the logo mark for Newark’s iconic landmark, the LGTBQ community center which was due to be renovated and the founders required a new logo mark. Patrick’s approach with his logo mark is using and abstract cornucopia shape as the representing element to showcase that the space is a safe heaven for all trans gendered individuals.

Long Term Lead
Long Term Lead examines the effects of Lead in the body. This project invites people to interact with the projections, stepping in front of our message. #longtermlead is a part of the “Learn About Our Water Crisis” exhibit, designed by Graphic Design students, working in conjunction with the Humanities Action Lab at Hahne & Co. at Express Newark